Saturday, November 6, 2010

November Newsletter

Hello Everyone,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ…  We hope this
newsletter finds you being refreshed and strengthened in the Holy
Spirit. To bring you all up to date with the latest of what’s
happening here at CC Prishtina;  we would like to begin by saying
thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support… This we week
(Friday, Nov. 5th) Celeste and Mark celebrated our 6th wedding
anniversary. We had a wonderful time celebrating as a family in
Skopje, Macedonia.  We thank God so much for the gift of marriage and
all the blessings that has come with it such as our beautiful daughter

Since we have been back from our furlough in August we have faced some
challenging times. Beginning with the break-in to our facility (which
we have gotten through), then we have had some of our members in the
fellowship face hardships economically and from their families. They
face a lot of discouragement as they do not really have the option to
move out of their homes away from their families and live on their own
where they have more freedom to live for Christ. Pray specifically for
Besi and Florim that are going through this. Pray that God will
strengthen them and encourage them and pray that they will grow in
their faith and see God come through for them. Pray that God will
provide for their needs.

Celeste’s mom’s meeting on Wednesday’s is going very well, as it
provides a time for Celeste and the ladies that come, some fellowship
and encouragement. They do need help with child care. Please pray that
the Lord will send help for the area of child care ministry. This
individual could also be useful in the area of kids and youth outreach
as well such as conducting a Saturday Kids Club

Last Friday Mark stopped in for a visit at the hospital to see some
friend s that  he hadn’t seen for a while. While there he visited a
couple patients in ICU. One of them was a boy that was badly burned.
He spoke with him briefly and prayed for him. Mark is  visiting the
hospital now once a week after not having been there for a while. Pray
that the Lord will use him to minister to people there including the
hospital staff. This coming Christmas we will be doing another the
Operation Christmas Child gift box distribution at the hospital. Pray
for the preparations for our Christmas outreach with the shoe boxes.
Pray that all of them will get to us here in Kosovo without any

Mark  has  continued spending a lot of time doing one-on-one
discipleship with the young men in our fellowship which has been real
fruitful. Mark has  Lirak presently translating the “Calvary
Distinctives” by Pastor Chuck. Our Sunday Service study through the
book of Colossians has been a rich blessing for Mark personally as for
those in the  church, we have been studying it in depth. In verse 27
we read; “Christ in you, the hope of glory”. This phrase has really
taken on significance to us as we have studied what this means; His
destiny has become our destiny. We are a people with a destiny of
glory as joint heirs with Christ!! On Thursday evenings we are
starting a study through 2nd Chronicles looking that that history of
the kingdom of Judah. Some exciting stuff to look forward to. God
bless you all and thanks again for your prayers and support.

By His Grace,
Mark, Celeste, and Isabella

Mark and Celeste Yocom
c/o Global Adventures
4001 Osuna RD.  NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109

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