Friday, September 16, 2011


Weekly our Moms group is going through a book called “Taking Care of the Me in Mommy” by Lisa Whelchel.    This book offers realistic tips so that moms can enjoy the things they value most- God, family and relationships.  As we have been going through this book, the Lord has used this book study to help the moms in our group in the areas they have felt they have been lacking, areas such as worship, prayer, exercise, beauty, fun, friends and sleep. 

Over the summer we took a break from this book (yes, in the middle of it), this week we will be picking up in Chapter 15 “Organization, They Call Me Obesessive-Complusive Miss Order”  Each week it is my desire to share what the Lord has spoken to my heart as well are journeying through this book. 

As I have been pondering this chapter this week, the thought that comes to mind in order for me to be effective in what the tasks the Lord has called me to, I need to be organized!  As a matter of fact it drives me absolutely crazy the weeks that I have not prepared my lists.  This week I have slacked some in organization and I have felt as if I haven’t been able to accomplish all that I have desired to this week.  I am thankful for the Lord’s grace!

In the book, Lisa has charts.  Charts for her organizer, which consists of who to phone, what to do, and where to go for that day.  She has a chart for grocery shopping, which is rather detailed.  A family menu chart, chore chart, and school schedule.  If any one is interested in downloading these charts you can go to www.Lisa and look in the “Me and Mommy” section.  I am slowly starting to like the idea of charts, for years I have been a list person.  As a matter of fact every time I go out anywhere Isabella always asks if I have my list.

The first thing that Lisa talks about when it comes to Organization is the importance of planning the meals for the week.  I cannot stress how important this is to me.  If I do not do this I am at a loss all week in regards to what my family will be eating.  Plus, I would not have the goods on hand to properly prepare nutritious meals for my family.  As a result of doing this I do not have to look at an empty refrigerator and come up with a plan at 4:00 pm as to what my family will be eating for dinner.  So how  do I go about making a meal plan?  Being that Saturday evening Mark is studying; I have found that this is the best time for me to plan the meals after Isabella is in bed.  Before I sit down with my calendar, computer and cookbooks, I take an inventory of what I have on hand and plan meals based on what is in the pantry, refrigerator and freezer in order to cut costs.  Once the meals are planned I print out the recipes (if I get them from a web-site) or if it is in cookbook I mark the page in the book.  Then I record what we are going to be eating in my organizer.  I make my shopping list, if produce is need I make a note in my organizer what needs to be purchased at the fruit and vegetable market that is 2 minute from my house, on the day I will need it.  As I am preparing the meal plan I am making my grocery list.  Then after lunch on Sundays we do our weekly grocery shopping.  By doing this I am not at a loss of what we will be eating each day and I this saves me from consistently having to run to the store when I am out of items. 

Lisa goes on to talk about her children’s chores and schedule.  I like schedules and routines.  I find it very difficult to operate without schedules and routines.  I have found that Isabella thrives on routine.  However she is a little bit extreme.  She is rather meticulous; therefore she has a bit of a hard time in being flexible in regards to her daily routine.  For me the best time to sit down and plan out my schedule as well as Isabella’s is on Monday. We are home schooling Isabella, therefore I need to set aside the time  at the beginning of the week to work on her schedule, make a list of the supply’s I will be needing for the week as well work on my ministry schedule.  I am currently leading a moms group, teaching children weekly at a widow’s center, teaching Sunday School and praying about starting a women’s Bible study at the church, along with keeping up on my duties in the home.  For me it is vital to take the time out on Saturday evenings and Monday’s to plan and prep for the week.  As result of doing this, when Tuesday comes, I am ready to face the week.  I know that sounds strange “when Tuesday, comes” but our weeks start on Tuesday and end on Monday. 

Concerning schedules and charts we need to remember that they are guidelines, that we should attempt to live by, we need to allow room for flexibility. 

Lisa states and I agree “For me, if I don’t have a plan, then my priorities do not get done and my goals go unrealized.  Life runs me rather then my ordering my days to match what I believe God has instructed me to do.” 

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:33 & 40 “God is not the author of confusion, put of peace & Let all things be done decently and in order.”  As we look at the Bible, we see that God is a God of order and it blesses our God to see His children order there steps. 

As I look back I really cannot pinpoint when the Lord started to work in my life concerning this area.  I do believe it is a learned still and I am still learning.  I feel as if I have much to improve on in this area. 

So why is this important for us moms?  The Bible tells us that the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon, felt it was important to order his days.  “Now all the work of Solomon was well-ordered from the day of the foundation of the house of the Lord until it was finished.  So the house of the Lord was completed” 2 Chronicles 8:16.  We might want to take our cues from Solomon if we want our own house complete. 

Lisa concludes this chapter by stating “Becoming organized might seem like a lot of work at first but in the end, you will have so much more time and be much less stressed if you have some kind of daily schedule or routine.”  I have found this to be so turn for myself.  If I do not take the time out to work on my schedule and follow some type of routine, I am stressed and don’t get as much accomplished as I would desire to. 

Now how do we put this in to practice?  Lisa offers some tips that I will summarize. 

  • Enter all of your activities on the calendar

Plan Ahead
  • Get items ready the night before that you will be needing the following day

  • Grocery
  • Phone calls
  • Errands
  • Things you are saving for
  • Prayer Requests

Group Things Together
  • Errands
  • Ironing
  • Toys
  • Keep things filed

  • If you are doing to much, give up something.  Pray about priorities
  • Purge closets and the pantry
  • Sort through one drawer a day
  • Monitor your time on the computer


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